Travel bursaries 

Assistance with travel expenses 

We’re committed to admitting students regardless of their background. We know that for some, the cost of attending our open days and applicant days might be a worry. If you are a UK-based student for fee purposes, there are several ways you might be eligible for us to cover the cost of your attendance.

If you meet any of the criteria below, we’ll cover your travel expenses. We can only reimburse travel costs of UK-based students attending undergraduate open days or applicant days. 

Are you eligible?  

  • You’re currently in care, or have experience of being in care since 16th birthday 
    We need a letter from a social worker confirming your care status. 

  • You’re entitled to free school meals*  
    We need a letter from school confirming free school meals eligibility, or a letter confirming you or your parent/carer receives certain benefits. 

  • Household income less than £25,000 (pre-tax)  
    We need most recent P60 or most recent three-months of wage slips of both parents or carers, or confirmation of receipt of income-related benefits. If you’re aged 25+, evidence should relate to your own earnings. 

  • POLAR4 Q1**  
    Your home address postcode can be checked using an online tool, using latest POLAR definition (POLAR 4). 

*It doesn’t matter if you don’t use free school meals - we just need to know you’re entitled to them. You might be entitled to free school meals if your household receives certain benefits, which you can check here.

**POLAR4 is a system which shows how many people from your area attend higher education. If you live in an area which is in quintile 1 (where the least people attend higher education), you can claim travel support. You can check this by entering your postcode here. The first number on the left is your quintile. 

Claim your travel expenses 

  • Email your completed form to access@escapestudios.ac.uk with copies of your travel tickets/receipts (photos are acceptable).  

  • If you’re eligible because you live in a POLAR1 Quintile postcode, you just need to write a note telling us this. You only need to complete the boxes containing your name, address and bank details. 

Frequently asked questions

We’ll reimburse you the cost of standard-class public transport from your home address. This includes any mode of transport you need to take - for example, if you need to take a bus to your local train station, this is covered. All claims are assessed on a case-by-case basis, and we’ll check the route from your home postcode to Escape Studios. We can’t reimburse first-class tickets, or replacements if you lose your tickets. 

If you come by car, we will reimburse you 45p per mile driven from your home address to Escape Studios, or the cost of the journey by public transport, whichever is lower. You should use the AA’s mileage calculator to work out your mileage. We also reimburse the congestion charge costs, road tolls and reasonable parking, but not general wear and tear.  

Only College management staff will see the information you provide. Academic staff who assess you, student ambassadors, and other applicants won’t see any of this information. 

If buying travel tickets and waiting for reimbursement would make things hard for you financially, let us know. We may be able to book travel on your behalf once we’ve seen your evidence. Please let us know as soon as possible so we have time to arrange before your event date. You can email access@escapestudios.ac.uk to discuss this confidentially.