news • 6 March 2025

Networking for Introverts: Six Top Tips

What is networking and why is it important? Networking is the process of trying to meet new people who might be useful to you in your job, often through social activities such as industry-specific events and meetups. It’s a key way to learn more about your industry and access opportunities. However, it’s also stereotypically a social activity that favours extroverted personality types. 

While finding your feet with networking can be intimidating, there are ways to make it easier and more accessible if you happen to be more introverted. Here are a few top tips to help you grow your networking skills, regardless of confidence level: 

Prepare your ‘elevator pitch’  

If the thought of approaching people at an event is a little jarring, having a couple of short lines prepared about who you are, what you do and what you’re hoping to do in future can help. Think about it as an ‘elevator pitch’ for you.  

Look ahead  

If it’s possible to find out what individuals and organisations are going to an event, you can research their work and make sure you’re up to date on relevant industry topics – providing talking points and making you seem super knowledgeable! 

Be an active listener 

Listen attentively and ask relevant questions – such as asking about projects someone is currently working on, or their thoughts on current developments in your industry. Being a good listener is a strength for many introverts, and this is a great time to use it!  

Set achievable goals 

If you find yourself feeling nervous going into an event, setting an achievable goal such as chatting to even one person can help with any pressure you may be feeling to excel. Once you’ve achieved this it’s likely you’ll have settled into the event a bit more - regardless, you can consider it a win, and any more connections you make are a great bonus.  

Use the power of the internet  

Networking isn’t only in-person and there are all sorts of ways you can strengthen your network online! You can:  

  • Build a strong profile of your work on Instagram and like and comment on the work of artists you admire to foster genuine engagement!   

  • Connect with people with similar job descriptions to your goal career in Linkedin - when asked simple questions about how they got started in the industry people are often happy to share.  

  • Check if studios you are interested in working for have a general enquiries address or a careers contact – if so reaching out with your showreel and a short email expressing interest in working with them can help to get on their radar for future roles! 

Fake it until you make it!  

If entering the world of networking makes you a little nervous, you’d be surprised by how many people feel this way. Everyone who has made an effort to be at an industry event will also have an interest in your area and want to be there – and when approached respectfully most people are very happy to share their experiences! Putting yourself outside of your comfort zone in a measured way can be a great way to build confidence over time. 

Putting these pointers into action should set you on the path to success when it comes to growing your network. For those entering the world of networking for the very first time – good luck, you’ve got this! 

For more insights on how to approach networking to boost your career, sign up for our Networking for Introverts webinar on 19th March 2025 with Andrew Schlussel, Senior Director of Training and Development at DNEG Animation.