news • 10 December 2024

What makes a great VFX Compositor?

Profile picture of Klaudija Cermak

Written by Klaudija Cermak

Programme Leader for VFX and 2D VFX Tutor

In the world of visual effects (VFX), compositing is the final, often critical step that brings all elements of a shot together. All for a seamless and believable image. It’s the step where artistry and technical prevision meet, and live-action footage and visual effects bring captivating scenes to life. But what makes a great VFX Compositor?

First comes the understanding that learning the software is just a small part of the journey to becoming a great VFX Compositor. While developing eyes to scan for details and photorealism is way more important, this is best practised by leaving the computer behind and going out into the real world.

Walk around town and observe everything around you. Take the train somewhere you have not been before and look at the architecture. Observe how the light hits the buildings and objects and how the shadows fall and overlap. Observe the people and the way they move, mingle, interact, and dress.

All your observations will help you to get inspired. Visiting bookshops can be a huge inspiration with their collection of art books. Take note of artists that intrigue you and research them further at home. Are they still alive and exhibiting in town soon? Is their art displayed in a museum or gallery? Seeing their art in person will enable you to examine and experience the work more deeply.

During your explorations, take photographs and learn about what makes a good composition. Those do not need to be taken with a camera; your phone will do just fine. To go beyond photography, joining life drawing classes not only improves your drawing skills but also makes you stop and observe. It helps you in presenting your ideas better and makes you meet people who also love art.

Escape Studios' BA (Hons)/MArt The Art of Visual Effects, MA Visual Effects Production (Compositing), Compositing for Visual Effects short course and Compositing for Visual Effects (evening - online) courses are here to help you define your skills.